Drop-in to MasterChef to create a masterpiece meal! BGC’s MasterChef program provides children the opportunity to develop their culinary skills while participating in a fun competition. Participants are split into 2 teams, a recipe and ingredients are provided, and then the cook-off begins! The best part is, everyone gets to eat the tasty dish they’ve created!
- Time: 6:30-8:00pm
- Ages: 6-14
- Registration: Participants must register before attending the program. Once registered, programs can be attended on a drop-in basis
- Cost: $40 to attend all sessions across the entire program, running October 7 2024 to May 5 2025 (some closure dates apply) or $20 for a 10 session Punch Pass (can be used for any night program)
- Location: Spruce Club (3 Spruce Ave, Sherwood Park)
ALL Night Programs will resume the week of January 13th!!
Check out the link HERE for the monthly schedule of activities!
For all questions, concerns and inquiries, contact nightprograms@scbgc.com.

Join MasterChef Wednesdays Now!
Click the clink below to register!